At NUWEN, we are convinced that marine resources have endless and incredible properties for our health and well-being. We are also sensitive to the environment which offers us this wealth and have always worked to preserve it. In addition, the location of our industrial activity, located on a peninsula in Brittany, reminds us every day of the power of nature. We are also aware that the development of a company rests on the solid foundations of collective work, we ensure the well-being of our employees and we act every day to promote local partnerships.
The implementation of our policy is based on 3 pillars: our environmental responsibility, our social commitment and our local roots.

Our environmental responsibility
– Reduce and recover our waste
– Optimize the travel of our employees
– Focus on digital transformation
– Control our energy consumption
– Make natural and sustainable products

Our social commitment
– Protect the Health and Safety of our employees
– Develop the skills of employees and promote their employability
– Promote diversity and professional equality
– Strengthen the cohesion of our teams and well-being at work
– Facilitate social dialogue

Our local roots
– Promote local partnerships
– Encourage local employment
– Embody and apply the Group’s Ethics approach on a daily basis
– Headquarters and plant based on the Breton basin