Dulse – The rich alga
Palmaria Palmata
Dulse belongs to the red algae family, and grows in northernseas.
Suitable for:
Mature, dry, weakenedskins.
Anti-ageing, moisturizing, exfoliating skin care.
- Active (In vitro proven efficacy)
- Powder and flakes
- Natural pink pigment
Dulse grows in the intertidal zone, between 0 and 15 meters deep. It could be found in rocky areas and could grow as epiphytes on some other seaweeds such as Laminaria.
Dulse proposed by NUWEN is exclusively coming from resources harvested on Brittany coasts.
Fibers, also named polysaccharides, are one of the main components of Dulse : more than 30 % of alga weight. Polysaccharides are commonly used in cosmetic products and the most widely known is the hyaluronic acid. Molecular structure of algae polysaccharide is really similar to hyaluronic acid. Polysaccharides’ specific feature is to retain water in skin tissues and to fill up wrinkles and fine lines as a collagen substitute. Polysaccharides are well known for stimulating skin hydration, and they also have a good tensing effect. Dulse
also contains beta carotene molecules which are well known for their anti oxidant properties. Beta carotene molecules hinder the formation of free radicals which are responsible for the cell ageing process.
NUWEN has conducted an in vitro study that has demonstrated the benefits of micronized Dulse powder :
• Helps to stratum corneum lipid synthesis
• Reinforce cutaneous barrier resistance
• Protect from mechanical aggressions
Dulse flakes or powder can be used in various ways in your formulas:
• Active : for mature, weakened or dry skins
• Natural pink pigment
• Smooth scrubbing particles (for flakes)
• Visual effect in soaps, translucent gels, serums, creams… (for flakes)
Choosing Nuwen is:

Resource traceability & encourage the local

Protection of our environment

Innovative solutions to enhance natural materials

Controlled production and maximum quality

Packaging adapted to your sales channels