Sea spaghetti
Himanthalia elongata
Himanthaliaelongata belongs to the brown algae family, and grows in northern seas (including arctic areas) as well as in the Mediterranean Sea.
It is commonly named Sea spaghetti.
Suitable for:
Unbalanced, dry, stressed skins
Balancing, protecting, moisturizing skin care, scrubs.
SPA and thalasso skin care.
- Active
- Powder and flakes
- Preservative free
This algae growths in shallow waters, but its foot does not bear to be out of water. Himanthalia elongata size could reach 3 meters.
Sea spaghetti is especially rich in polysaccharides, which are widely used and well known for their cosmetics moisturizing and tensing properties. Polysaccharides’ specific feature is to retain water in skin tissues and to fill up wrinkles and fine lines as a collagen substitute. It has also been demonstrated that Sea spaghetti shows antibacterial properties, targeting
pathogenic and skin harmful bacteria E coli et S aureus for example).
It therefore allows skin to maintain its cutaneous flora balanced and to efficiency fight against external aggressions.
Sea spaghetti flakes or powder can be used in various ways in your formulas:
• Active : moisturizing, tensing, balancing
• Smooth scrubbing particles (for flakes)
• Visual effect in soaps, translucent gels, serums, creams… (for flakes)
Choosing Nuwen is:
Resource traceability & encourage the local
Protection of our environment
Innovative solutions to enhance natural materials
Controlled production and maximum quality
Packaging adapted to your sales channels