Sea lettuce
Ulva spp.
The sea lettuce is known for its beneficial effects on brain health and circulatory health. It also has immunostimulant properties.
Available in ORGANIC
- Nutritional claims for iodine, chromium, magnesium and iron !
- High ulvans content
- Kosher and organic versions available
Ulva spp. commonly known as sea lettuce, is a green algae of the Ulvaceae family that can grow up to 30 cm long. This seaweed lives up to its nickname of sea lettuce with its broad, crinkly blade and color ranging from bright green to very pale green depending on the species.
Applications: tablet, capsule and sachet
With its high dietary fiber and mineral content, and very low lipid content, Ulva spp. is very interesting from a nutritional point of view. It is rich in ulvans, sulfated anionic polysaccharides located at the cell level in the cell wall. This molecular family would be the source of many health properties of sea lettuce.
Health benefits
• Mental wellbeing
• Circulatory health
• Immunity
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